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NASA Plan to Put a Nuclear Reactor on The Moon

12 Interesting Facts Related to this Moon Plan
NASA's Artemis program prioritizes power for lunar bases, leading to the creation of the Fission Surface Power Project.
Three commercial partners, Lockheed Martin, Westinghouse, and IX, were awarded contracts to develop fission reactor designs.
Each partner was tasked with designing reactor systems for power generation, heat rejection, and management.
The goal is to create a system capable of supporting lunar bases for a decade and pave the way for Mars missions.
Nuclear power is crucial for long-term exploration efforts due to its reliability independent of sunlight.
Fission reactors overcome challenges posed by lunar nights, providing continuous power.
Solar power will still be utilized, but nuclear reactors offer a dependable source during lunar nights.
NASA's specifications for reactor designs include durability, minimal human intervention, and power output of 40 kilowatts.
Reactor weight must be under six metric tons, ensuring feasibility for lunar deployment.
Flexibility in design requirements encourages innovation among commercial partners.
NASA plans to release a Phase 2 solicitation in 2025, aiming for lunar deployment in the early 2030s.
After lunar deployment, NASA aims to adapt nuclear fission reactors for future Mars missions.